
DevForge Logo

world-class developer training anywhere in the world

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Our Mini Manifesto

At DevForge, we are driven by a simple belief: it shouldn't be so hard to become a confident and competent developer.

Students should not have to relocate and spend thousands of dollars on an outdated degree or overpriced bootcamp. Students should not have to guess what topics and technology they need to know to become professional developers. Students should not have to browse endless video tutorials that skip steps and do not agree with each other.

There has to be an easier way. So we built an easier path for developers.

We provide professional pathways and real-world training courses to make it easier to become confident and competent developers companies love to hire.

Meet the Team

DevForge has assembled a talented team to create courses and content that help developers thrive

Tim Corey Image

Tim Corey

Owner & Lead Instructor

Tom Thele Image

Tom Thele

Community Manager

Noah Macey Image

Noah Macey

Web Developer II

Jules Alexander Image

Jules Alexander

Graphic Designer

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Interested in Our Courses?

Our courses are taught by Microsoft MVP Tim Corey, an expert developer and online educator with over 25 years of experience in development.

We have courses for beginner and advanced programmers. Every course is designed to provide real-world training without skipping steps at a fraction of the cost of a university or boot camp.

See all our course offerings if you or your business is ready to take your development skills to the next level.

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